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NUNDA Pipelines
Listed below are the automated processing pipelines currently available on NUNDA. For more about pipelies including directions for running them on your data, please download the Northwestern University Neuroimaging Data Archive "Great Leap Forward" presentation.
Structural Pipelines
- FSLDDMM: Freesurfer-Initiated Large-Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping for Subcortical Segmentation
- StdStructuralBuild: Pipeline for DICOM to analyze conversion, T1 processing and averaging, and T2 geometric distortion correction
- Freesurfer: Pipeline for running FreeSurfer
- TemplateInjection: Re-indexes surfaces so that all have common indexing, performs denoising
- ReillyPreProcessing: Pipeline for DICOM to nifti conversion and Brain Extraction of T1
- QA_Anatomical: Quality assurance pipeline for T1 scans
Functional Pipelines
Diffusion Pipelines
Perfusion Pipelines
Rodent Pipelines
Cardiac Pipelines
Request a NUNDA Pipeline
We are able to convert some workflows into NUNDA pipelines upon request. Please complete the form, and we will get in touch with you shortly.