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RobustfMRIPreProcessing Pipeline

Pipeline: RobustfMRIPreProcessing

Type: BOLD

Description: Pipeline for preprocessing fMRI data

Source: Xiaowei Song, Todd Parrish group

External Link: RobustfMRIPreProcessing

Anatomical data is pre-processed by robust skull strip and robust registration followed by skull initialized linear and non-linear registration

Functional data is pre-processed by slice-timing to middle slice, volume registration to middle TR volume, FD/DVARS/AFNI euclidean based thresholding, plus 24-Friston regressors generations, and optional band-pass filtering. It is registered to the MNI/TT standard space by BBR method, in which the functional data is only resampled once to escape over-smoothing effect. 

The pdf report contains details and citations.

A short description of files in the tarball:
Prefix L means linear registered, NL means non-linear registered, S means smoothed. The above is in MNI space by default.

"ofunc.nii" is an intermediate nifti in subject's anatomical space, prefix S means scrubbed, then ssofunc.nii means smoothed and scrubbed.


Figure: Functional Preprocessing Flowchart